Rank/Branch: O3/RAAF [Flying Officer, Lt.] Unit: 2nd Squadron, Australin Royal Air Force, Phan Rang Date of Birth:
24 at time of loss Home City of Record: Australia Date of Loss: 03 November 1970 (some records show 4 Nov) Country
of Loss: South Vietnam Loss Coordinates: YC857430 Status (in 1973): Missing in Action Category: Acft/Vehicle/Ground:
B57, Canberra Bomber # A84-231 Refno: 1671
Rank/Branch: O3/RAAF #0119223 Unit: 2nd Squadron, Australin Royal Air Force, Phan Rang Date of Birth: 24 at time
of loss Home City of Record: Australia Date of Loss: 03 November 1970 Country of Loss: South Vietnam Loss
Coordinates: YC857430 Status (in 1973): Missing in Action Category: Acft/Vehicle/Ground: B57, Canberra Bomber
# A84-231
Refno: 1671
Robert C. Carver, navigator, and Capt. Michael P. Herbert, pilot, lost on November 3, 1970.
and Herbert were stationed at Phan Rang, South Vietnam. On November 3, 1970, they were sent on a bombing mission over Da Nang.
About 8:22 p.m. Carver radioed "Magpie" base that he had dropped the bomb load from their B57 Canberra bomber from
7,000 meters altitude.
At 10:15, radio contact was lost with the aircraft, and it failed to return to base. There
is varied opinion as to their fate. One popular theory is that a Viet Cong heat-seeking missile tracked them down and sent
the No. 2 Squadron bomber down in dense jungle.
Search teams tried to locate Carver and Herbert, but were unsuccessful.
It was never learned for sure if they survived the crash of the aircraft. Both men were classified Missing in Action.